Friday, November 8, 2013

Because I Can...

and I don't feel like reviewing my Day Zero status ^.^;

Have you ever licked the back of a CD to try to get it to work?: Can't say that I have. Maybe licked my fingers. Definitely have tried blowing hot air on it.

What's the largest age difference between yourself and someone you’ve dated?: HAHA! Hubby now- 27ish years!

Ever been in a car wreck?: Umm... I'm going to say "no" to this. I don't count the time I backed my dad's car into my cousin's car ^.^;

Were you popular in high school?: Nope. Most decidedly not.

Are looks important?: To a certain extent. I don't place it as the thing I value most, but I like the basics; brushed teeth, clean hair, sparkling eyes, etc.

Do you have any friends that you've known for 10 years or more??: Yup! I guess some I'd question if we're still friends though.

By what age would you like to be married?: Ideally I wanted to be married now, at 29 going on 30. But things happened quickly with the hubby since he's older.

Does the number of people a person's slept with affect your view of them?: Nope, as long as they're loyal.

Have you ever made a mistake?: Is this a trick question? Who answers "no"?

Are you a good tipper?: I try to be.

Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?: Probably. We were all young once.

Have you ever peed in public?: No! I don't think I have! Score one for sensibility in the face of drunkenness! :D

What song do you want played at your funeral?: Good question... Umm... I'll have to come back to this later.

Would you tell your parents if you were gay?: Most definitely. I also think they would be very supportive if I were!

What would your last meal be before getting executed?: Lobster absolutely drenched in butter!!

If you had to pick one person on earth to die, who?: Wow... evil much? Probably someone horrible... a pedophile or a terrorist....

Beer, wine or hard liquor?: Beer.

Do you have any phobias?: Spiders!! Heights I'm not a huge fan of either.

What are your plans for the future?: *le sigh* good question. Work full-time after the kids start school. Travel to Ireland and go on a bar crawl with the hubby. See my first legit concert.

Do you walk around the house naked?: Yes, but more because I needed to get to the clean towels than anything else! ^.^;

Hair color you like on someone you're dating?: Anything but green, orange, and pink.

Would you rather be blind or deaf?: Hmm... deaf I guess.

Do you have any special talents?: I can remember the most asinine things like movie quotes.

Do you like horror or comedy?: Horror THEN a comedy so I don't get the spooks :D

Are you missing anyone?: Always.

If you weren't straight, what person of the same sex would you do?: ScarJo!

Where do you want to live when you are old?: When I'm older you mean? Erm.... good question. Somewhere more rural.

Who is the person you can count on the most?: Mom and my best friend, B

What did you dream last night?: These days I'm too freakin' tired to dream >_<

Are you named after anyone? Not that I know of. They just wanted an Irish name... too bad they choose the one that's also the most common pet name >_<

What is your favorite alcoholic drink?: Right now, Angry Orchard Hard Apple Cider

Non alcoholic drink?: Doctor Pepper!

Have you ever been in love?: Yup, more than once even! *gasp*

Do you sing in the shower?: Every time!

Would you ever get plastic surgery?: sure if someone else paid for it. I want Lipo and a new nose

Have you ever caught a fish?: Oh yeah... I think I've only ever taken two off the line though. I'm a wuss puss when it comes to that.

Thought your cousin was hot?: Yes, actually! When I was REALLY young, I thought he was the bee's knees!

Slept past noon?: Psht. Wish I could bring those days back *le sigh*

Danced in front of your mirror?: Haha! Probably.

Been dumped?: In a very circular way yes... I think he was purposely crappy at the end to get me to have the talk with him :D

Kissed a picture?: Umm... maaayyybeee... -_-;

Slept in the opposite sex's bed?: Ha! I swear BOTH Chiyo and Toshi were immaculate conception! O:)

Made a snow angel?: Most definitely. What a sad childhood you had if you didn't make at least one snow angle!

Cheated while playing a game?: Probably a couple times, but generally I feel horrible if I even try.

Touched a snake?: Yes! I love snakes!

Done something you told yourself you wouldn't do?: Hi, I drink alcohol! :) That should answer that question.

Kissed in the rain?: While it was raining, yes. With an umbrella, yes. Literally standing out there getting wet, don't think so.

Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?: Yeah, but it was the thing to do.

Broken a bone?: Never! *knock on wood*

Laugh so hard you cry?: YES! That's what friends and family are for!

Choked on something you're not supposed to eat?: LOL.... that is kind of a loaded question... :)


Smoke?: Not any more though I never considered myself a smoker. Just socially at parties back in the day.

Drink?: Don't mind if I do!

Do drugs?: Zoloft?

Fall in love easily?: Yes *le sigh* so easily.

Like thunderstorms?: LOVE 'EM!

Dance in the rain?: I have, but I don't make it a habit.

Wish on stars?: Sometimes. I'm a dreamer.

Believe in fate?: No.

Believe in love at first sight?: Most definitely!

Have tattoos?: Yes... and I would like many more!!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Another kind of bump!

So all of my friends and relatives are in the know already but we can officially cross off number 7= Be pregnant with our second child!! Granted, the timing was a little off from what we were expecting, but all the same, we're aboot 21 weeks along so that settles that :)

Origionally I had made a deal with the hubs not to find out for the second one (since I HAD to know for the first), but I've since got him to come around to the dark side... kind of. It's a compromise. We're going to do the whole REVEAL PARTY thing where the ultrasound person will write the gender on a card, stick it in an envelope, seal it (or else I'd be finding out that night while Acy slept :D) then we take said envelope to a baker who customizes the inside of the cake to reflect the gender. We gather friends/family for a partay, cut into the cake and SHAZAM! We all know! SO, to recap, hubby gets his party with his friend and I get to know what the heck is growing inside me! Win-Win!!!

I know I haven't posted in forever, but I'm surprised I haven't noted that we crossed off #10- Get Toshi a slide/water table/sandbox for outside. We received a sandbox from our awesome neighbor down the street. It's a purple turtle, but heck if Toshi cares! :D We also invested in a nice water table with an umbrella that was supposed to be half sand and half water, but instead we kept the sand in the sandbox and the water in both sides of the table. It was just more fun that way and less mess! Lastly, my parents gave Toshi an awesome slide/climber/activity set that we currently have in our basement which has been really nice during the winter when we can't go to the park!

Speaking of winter, we've had a TON of snow it seems this year and we've been able to take Toshi sledding a couple times so knock #17 off. I count it because it's not our fault that Toshi doesn't understand the concept of a snowman and simply wants to knock anything we stack down! :D Pretty adorable anyway.
#19 (cook 15 non-crockpot dishes) has been a bit of a b$*#@ because as much as I love watching cooking shows and think myself able to pair flavors well... I can't actually cook for the life of me!! But I'm trying (13 down, two to go!)... that counts for something... right?! I may go back and uncount some of these recipes since they didn't entail a lot/any cooking but for now... the completed list is as follows:

Caprese appetizer (for bookclub- D-LICIOUS!)
Cucumber sandwiches (also for bookclub... not as good as I was hoping, especially since I was craving them at the time)
Maple salmon (the "overcooked/carmalized" parts were better than the larger fleshy sections)
Mac and cheese with goat cheese and rosemary (good, but really rich!)
Lemon dill chicken skewers (too much lemon for most I bet, but I really enjoy the flavor so I though they were amazing!)
Ramen noodle "upgrade" (epic fail.... too much peanut butter. Bleh!)Cream cheese and herb cucumber canoes (for bookclub app. So-so)Summer squash soup (also a miss for all of us. I mix it was some baby food for Toshi and he'll eat it reluctantly so at least it's not going to waste)Coconut cream fruit dip (for bookclub again so I made it more "adult" and added a bit of Malibu rum. Only down side is that it made it less fluffy but uber delicious with pineapple, strawberry, banana and kiwi slices!)

Roasted red cabbage with gorganzola (I loved this actually! I used feta since it's what I had on hand at the time and with a couple we drizzled a bit of balsamic vinegar. So yummy, I wish red cabbage was a little cheaper though!)Pasta fagioli (SO GOOD!! Fairly easy to make and it was probably one of my favorites so far that I've attempted and it only took one pot!)Honey garlic porkchops (Probably my favorite thus far in this adventure. I've made them about four times and each time they're equally as delicious!)Crusted honey mustard chicken (Epic fail >_< It sounded sooo delicious but I didn't have Corn Flakes and apparently that is one of the keys. I also used too much mustard I think. So no bueno. ;_;)

As for crockpot recipes, I have to admit I've been slacking >_<; I only have 5 of the 15. So #20
has been an even harsher mistress than I anticipated.
Cilantro lime chicken (one of only two successes so far in my eyes.)Frozen chicken, cream cheese, corn, black beans, and Rotel (the other win, but this one is nice because it can go over rice, in a tortilla with cheese or with pasta!)Chicken, garlic, brown sugar, oil (turned out bland for some reason...maybe I cooked it within an inch of my life :D)

White turkey chili (turned out watery, but it was a bit better after I added some barley that I had laying around.)Pineapple chicken (again, I have a problem with overcooking chicken >_< It was sooo dry, but the sauce was delicious if only I had made more of it so the chicken was drowning in it!)
And speaking of cooking and good food (more or less), I've also been able to knock off part of #21- try 3 new restaurants. For our anniversary, the hubs and I decided to try out The Butcher and the Boar which was spectacular!!! He had the hook-ups there and we ended getting a butt-load of free food and ended up waddling out of there with lunch for two more days! The atmosphere was also terrific. It was still hip, but the interior had more of a cabin-feel to it that made it feel more relaxed and intimate.

I was also able to visit Tilia with my girl friends for our traditional Christmas get together. I had already found out I was pregnant so it was a little hard not to try out some of their awesome beer selections, but the almond milk I have to say was amazeballs! When they first brought out our meals, I was all "Crap, this is one of those really fancy places that give you a bite to eat and you're supposed to savor it and pretend to hold your belly as you walk out as if you had just visited Old Country Buffet." Luckily, looks were deceiving! I was incredibly full and almost wasn't able to finish my meal! The vegetables were all fresh and locally grown and everything was seasonal! I love those kind of places, it feels earthy to me without being pretentious. Again, the atmosphere was neat, kind of like a whole-in-the-wall pub, but obviously a bit more upscale. It was packed by the time we left at 9!
#23 (try the CSA box and use all the ingrediants at least once) failed epically! For some reason I could never use them all! I'd get hot peppers one week that I, of course, wanted to toss out the window right away. Then I'd get a buttload of squash and couldn't use it all for just Toshi and me. It was fun, but probably we wasted more food than we used. If Acy were around to help us eat through it I think it'd be worth it, but the 2-3 person size was just too large for myself and my little man! Guess that's $5 to charity!
This all seems so productive, but as I'm looking through my list right now, I realize that I only have about a year to finish up a crap load of things!!! Oh geez!!

Well my parents, thankfully, helped us out with
#56 and bought us a new flatscreen for upstairs which then allowed us to get the Blu-ray (which we had received as a Christmas gift a year ago from my brother) set up and running! I'm currently elbow-deep in The Walking Dead series, which I don't know why I watch because it just makes me paranoid that zombies will some day happen!!!!
Ok, I hear the baby stirring so I'll have to continue this rant, list, thing, another time- maybe with pictures this time of the new bump in our life!!


Thursday, May 24, 2012


Uppy-datey! SO I lost steam... are we really THAT surprised? ^.^v Luckily I have done a little somethin' somethin' since last time:

#19. I've now jumped up to 2/15 recipes done!! Go me! I brought this delicious "dessert" to my bookclub meeting on Monday (we read Delirium by Lauren Oliver if ya'll are curious) and it turned out fairly successful... I added Malibu to it to make it more adult ^.^; And also stirred it a bit much so it wasn't as fluffy as I wanted it but still delicious! We served it with pineapple, apples, strawberries, graham crackers, Nilla Waffers and mango!

#32. DONE!!! This is what the title is really all about. Freakin' LONGEST month of my life!! I've found out that drinking nothing but skim milk, water and tea that I've brewed is REALLY, REALLY difficult if you're not pregnant!! A lot of my friends asked why I didn't just wait until #7 (Be pregnant with my second child) came around but the point of this list is to stretch myself a little. Surprisingly, I miss alcohol and drinking with my friends at the bar on Monday's but what's worse is waking up with little sleep on a rainy day and not being able to have coffee!!! My kingdom for a cup of joe!! Good thing is that now that it's back in my life- I'm going to be restricting it to those tough days, only one a day and I'm going to actually measure out my creamer ('cause I used to have a little coffee with my cream...) *insert sigh of relief here*

#35. This is still in progress but I'm going to go ahead and pat myself on the back a little 'cause I've been semi-rocking it at Moms on the Run!! I'm maintaining a once a week (if not twice a week) presence! I even went running today with the hubby, even though it's ridiculously easy for him to run two minutes, walk two minutes at my slow @$$ pace, but it was still really nice :)

#66. We bought a new flipping camera!!!! However this is only partially done 'cause we still need to get a new video camera. Even though we love our Flip- it'd be nice to have something for big family trips that won't take up half the camera in one take. I feel like we got a great deal on our camera though- it's a nice Canon with two lenses that we got from Sam's Club for a steal!

#70.  I feel like I have a semi-life!! I've now gone to two (count 'em) two of ten movies in a theater!! First was Hunger Games *drools over the oh-so-sweet Josh Hutchenson* and the other was Avengers Assemble *drools over the oh-so-archery-smexy Jeremy Renner and the three other hotties* Gotta say the book was better than the movie in the former but still well done and the second was... just... flipping amazingly great....

#89. Pink Ipod Shuffle acquired and said kick@$$ playlist below:
        1. Starships- Nicki Minaj
        2. Turn Me On- Nicki Minaj and David Guetta
        3. Fireworks- Katy Perry
        4. Lights (Bassnectar remix)- Edie Goulding
        5. Help, I'm Alive- Metric
        6. E.T.- Katy Perry
        7. Poker Face- Lady Gaga
        8. Kodo (Inside the Sun Remix)- Yoshida Brothers
        9. Untrust Us- Crystal Castles
       10. Derezzed- Daft Punk
       11. Firestarter- The Prodigy
       12. Bones Theme- Crystal Method
       13. This is What Rock'n'Roll Looks Like- Porcelain Black
       14. Bleed It Out- Likin Park
       15. Black Betty- Ram Jam
       16. Don't Stop Me Now- Queen
       17. Threshold- Sex Bob-Omb
       18. Clap Your Hands- Sia
       19. Shut Up and Let Me Go- Ting Tings
       20. That's Not My Name- Ting Tings
       21. Fireflies- Owl City
       22. Porcelain- Moby

#90. And lastly, I'm typing this all up on my NEW LAPTOP!! (and there was much rejoicing amongst the villagers.) It's not what I was thinking but I went in to Best Buy and after a bit more researched settled on a Samsung with 8GB RAM (upgraded it from 6GB) and a 1TB harddrive. So far so good... wish the mouse clicks were a bit wider but can't win 'em all right? Right?!

And there ya have it! Mid-May update! Shazam!
~Live Long and Prosper!~

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Speed Bump!

Sooo... it's probably a good thing I didn't actually adjust anything on my list 'cause I've lost the momentum I supposedly had ;_; The walking 10 miles a week was great in theory... I should've taken into account my backup plan for when it rains half of the week.... yeaahhh.... However, I've gotten the ball rolling on #32 (Drink nothing but water, milk and tea for a month) and it is MUCH harder than I thought it was going to be >_<; I never thought I reached for much else than milk and the occasional juice for breakfast but I'm starting to realize I relied on other beverages (diet pop, coffee, alcohol) a LOT more than I thought! I suppose that's one of the reasons I added it but still... consider my mind blown!

I also did part of #41 (buy a whole outfit from a thrift store) and got an uber adorable Mossimo top for about $4!! I've also been to both of the Moms on the Run sessions that have been held so working on that #35 and so bought myself an Ipod Shuffle. Now I've got to compile a kick-@$$ running playlist to complete #89!! I even bought $30 in ITunes giftcards for myself so I don't go tooooo overboard with downloading music!

This week I'd like to knock off:

#22- Make a monthly meal plan
#63- Go through magazines/organize them
#66- Buy a new camera/video camera
#87 for this month- write a hand-written note
#90- Buy a new laptop
#99- Write a note to myself to read at the end of the 1001 days!

Of course I also hope to complete that stupid playlist but I want to get a new computer first so I'll essentially have one laptop per IPod and won't have to deal with the confusion of using ITunes with both ^.^

I'm also going to work on these this week a bit as well....hopefully:

#43 Draw something using each letter of the alphabet
#44 Finish drawing the signs of the zodiac outfits
#45 Finish the unicorn cross-stitch

And lastly, my brother, who I was close with when I was little, then grew apart from during the rocky teenage years and young adult stage, and now have gotten closer with these last few years surprised me with an uberly sweet gesture. He wrote on my Facebook the other day, asking if he could take me to my first concert to see Trampled by Turtles- one of his favorite bands and whom I really enjoy as well! It just blew me away and really touched me for some reason... Anywho... that's all for now! Thanks for stopping by!
~Lovin' Life~

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Working on Number 29!!

Don't mind me... I'm just gonna go ahead and pat myself on the back a little. With the help of bestie B, I got up to 13.5 miles walking this week! ^.^b I'm finding that it's really easy to fit in, which is a good thing if I'm gunning for that 5k in the fall. Toshi loves to be outside and it easily fills the time between waking up and having dinner in the afternoons!

Speaking of the 5k, I had my meeting with the trainers of Moms on the Run this morning at Caribou Coffee (really- like a fitness meeting is really going to derail me from getting a Turtle Mocha!?) It was brief but I got my official Moms on the Run t-shirt, went over my goals, and basically why I joined. It breaks down to a few simple things:

1. I want to set a good example for Toshi as he's getting older. I'm with him 6/7 days of the week and I'm starting to become really aware of all the habits and things I want/don't want him to see and mimic. Like all (most?) parents, I really want to get him off the best start possible without being a hypocrit and not doing the actual behavior I'm trying to encourage (if that makes sense.) Hopefully he's learning to move and get outdoors when possible- I think he's getting the message a little tooo well 'cause he keeps crying when I try to herd him back inside for dinner....

2. I actually weighed LESS while I was pregnant than I do now or did before I got pregnant. That is just sad ;_; While I'd like to blame it on a medical reason I think I've just stopped paying attention to what I've been putting in my body and I've definitely realized how little I've actually got up and moved after having him >_<;

3. It's actually a dream of Acy's (my husband) to finish a race with his significant other (me) and the guy doesn't ask for much and it's only a 5k... right? ^.^;

I'd like to say this is exciting but I'm really really dreading running >_< I've never ever thought of myself as a runner in anyway and I've never really understood why people run- it's painful man! But this will be a good outlet for stress and hopefully have a bit of a social aspect as well to it. I also really enjoy the "Learn to Run" program they've created which is similar to the 30 Day Jumpstart from Biggest Loser... gradually adding more time to running and less time to walking. I'm not confident but I'm hopeful that this'll work out well! ^.^b

Love to you!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Day 3!

So I'm thinking I'm going to have to readjust some of the list 'cause I'm already "cruising".... but maybe that'll be a mistake.... I'll think about it I guess.

Some things I've started working on:

Bought "Wreck This Journal"
1/15 New non-crock pot recipes = 4.10.2012 Red Cabbage and Feta cheese (instead of Gorgonzola)
1/15 New crock pot recipes= 4.8.2012 BBQ chicken w/carrots (didn't use onion or red pepper flakes. Next time will use a different sauce as this one was already quite spicy for us!)
1/26 Alphabetical movies= 4.7.2012 Priest (mmm... Paul Bettany)
1/26 Alphabetical books= 4.8.2012 Undomestic Goddess: Sophie Kinsella (I love her fluff!)
1/? Books off my shelf^

I feel like it's a fairly good start to this project!

 I showed my list to my co-worker/friend Brookestar and we had a giggle over #45 and #81. A little about both: #45 was a cross-stitch unicorn that I was origionally making for my first niece who's going on 4 now >_<; So it's time. As for #81, I've been to quite a few concerts but they've all been classical. I've lived a bit of a sheltered (albeit well-travelled) life so I'm determined to put on my Big-Girl Pants and see a normal, real concert!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Day Zero Project

Hello and welcome to yet another person's Day Zero Project blog! You'll probably be able to get a good idea of what kind of person I am from the "about me" section paired with my list. If not, then follow along a bit and it'll all unfold ^.^b So to kick this off, here's The List:

April 7, 2012 - January 3. 2015


1.      Have a family zoo-day
2.      Teach Toshi how to swim or take a mommy and me swim class
3.      Go strawberry picking as a family
4.      Save all photos on discs and store them safely
5.      Write Toshi a hopes and dreams letter
6.      Send my mom flowers for either Mother's Day or her birthday
7.      Be pregnant with my second child
8.      Send out Christmas cards with a Christmas letter
9.      Go on a family bike ride up in Alex
10.  Get Toshi a slide/sandbox/water station for outside
11.  Build two sets of emergency kits
12.  Do 10 "rainy day" art projects with Toshi each year
13.  Make a new photo book for Toshi each year
14.  Get a professional family photo taken each year and print and frame it!
15.  Do one "holiday" themed item with Toshi every month for a year (start in second year)
16.  Have a full day outside of the house/cabin with Nani/Bappa/Toshi/Me once a summer with pictures! (i.e. Zoo time, a picnic, flying kites, etc.)
17.  Go sledding with Toshi this coming winter and makes a snowman
18.  Visit Cissy's grave and lay a note and flower on it

Food and Cooking

19. Try 15 new non-crock pot recipes
20. Try 15 new crock pot recipes
21. Try 3 new restaurants (hopefully once a year)
22. Make a monthly meal plan
23. Try the fresh produce drop box thingy and use all the items!
24. Cook a non-frozen meal for family dinner night for 2 months
25. Brew beer at home
26. Open a cookbook to a random page and make whatever it is 5 times!
27. Finish a 5k
28. Visit the dentist
29. Keep walking at least 10 miles a week April- first snowfall
30. Swim from the Alex dock to the sandbar
31. Stop and biting nails
32. Drink nothing but water and milk for a month
33. Go to an archery range and shoot again
34. Wake up before everyone and be ready for the day for one week straight (early bedtime here I come.)
35. Maintain a presence at Moms on the Run once per week April- Sept.
36. Drop 2 pant sizes


37. Make 10 items using my sewing machine
38. Participate in and finish NaNoWriMo
39. Make 5 DIY things from my board on Pinterest
40. Modify/upcycle 10 items thrifted
41. Buy a complete outfit, head to toe, from a thrift store (can be done in more than one trip)
42. Buy a Polaroid camera and keep a 365 day album (one picture a day for a year)
43. Draw something using each letter of the alphabet
44. Finish drawing the signs of the zodiac outfits
45. Finish the unicorn cross-stitch

46. Finish selling/donating/storing items we don't wish to keep for baby #2
47. Donate blood at least 10 more times
48. Leave an inspirational note inside a book for someone to find
49. Pay for someone's order behind me
50. Influence someone to make a Day Zero list
51. Donate $5 to charity for each goal not complete at the end of the challenge
52. Donate hair again to Locks for Love
Financial/Home Improvement

53. Start up a savings account for Toshi
54. Put away $5 for Toshi for every item completed
55. Create a budget that realistically outlines spending (Mint?)
56. Get a new flat-screen TV for upstairs and set-up blu-ray
57. Finish unpacking all the boxes- garage and spare room
58. Get a new car
59. Paint "The Purple Room"
60. Have each room in the house completely decorated
61. Fix/get a new oven
62. Get granite counter tops for kitchen and new garbage disposal
63. Go through magazines and find a way to organize the things I want from each and dump the rest or donate to a school for art projects
64. Have a living-will drawn up
65. Get new blinds for big window, baby room, and Purple Room
66.  Get a new camera and video camera
67. Watch 26 movies I haven't seen before starting with each of the letters of the alphabet
68. Read 10 additional books off the 1001 books to read before you die list
69. Watch all the IMDB's top 250 list movies that I have not seen
70. See 10 movies in the theater
71. Read all the books from my bookshelf
72. Read 101 books- at least 10 mystery thriller (books on shelf included?)
73. Write a review for 20 of the books I read
74. Read 26 books I've never read starting with each letter of the alphabet

Acy and Me

75. Go on a weekend holiday just us two
76. Fully plan and go on at least 1 date every 2 months
77. Finish a 5k together
78. Take a class together (cooking, pottery, etc.)
79. Secretly keep a log of 101 things that Acy's done or said that make me feel happy/loved


80. Visit Ireland
81. Go to a real music concert
82. Write and get Josh Hutcherson's autograph
83. Write and get George Takei's autograph
84. Use my full spa day gift certificate
85. Subscribe to one magazine that I really want
86. See Phantom of the Opera
87. Send someone a hand-written note, postcard, card or letter each month
88. Write a note/journal to: Cissy, Grandma N., Molly, Yohei, Guy I slammed my car door with about forgiveness. These must be written outside the home.
89. Buy an Ipod Shuffle and make a kickass running playlist
90. Buy a new laptop
91. Buy and complete Wreck this Journal
92. Try 5 new beers
93. Go on the Zombie Pub Crawl
95. Rock a pixie/asymmetrical 'do again
96. Dress up for RenFest and drink mead
97. Have a girls' weekend up at the cabin every summer
98. Figure out how to use then use the whirlpool downstairs
99. Write a letter to myself to read after the 1001 days is over
100. Review and update this list at least once a month
101. Consider doing this again at the end